You have already won your settlement, but you’d like to collect now instead of those small periodic payments. Now you can collect it all in one LUMP SUM of CASH.
Many times in the judicial process of litigation claim, parties agree to a structured settlement which pays them an annuity. While that type of settlement may have seemed very satisfactory at the time, financial needs have a way of changing and so are your desires.
Settlement payments can be structured as monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual payments as well as lump sum payments. Most structured settlements are created to benefit the insurance company and not you.
Something like a medical emergency, your kids going to college, a divorce, or an estate settlement or maybe it’s just a good business or investment opportunity. Suddenly you need or wish you had an immediate access to your funds.
In the past it was almost impossible to get an advance of your funds. Fortunately, that is no longer the case.
Requested Documents: Structured Settlements
- Completed copy of application
- The Annuity Policy
- he Extended Release/Settlement Agreement
- A copy of your most recent Annuity Check or Check Stub (If direct deposit, attach copy of bank statement showing deposit)
- A copy of front page of most recent Tax Return
- Copies of two forms of identification (one must be clear photo I.D.)
- A copy of Marriage License (if applicable)
- A copy of Divorce Decree(s)/and property settlement(s) (if applicable)
- A copy of Will and Probate Papers if you are receiving payments as the result of a probated estate
- A copy of the Court Judgment (if applicable)
- Copies of Assignments, Revisions, or other important papers related to the Annuity or Settlement Agreement, and Bankruptcy discharge papers (if applicable)
DISCLAIMER: This site and any information contained herein is intended for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. Seek competent legal counsel for advice on any legal matter.