Are you looking for information about Missaukee Probate Court in Michigan?
Every day of the week, probate attorneys from the law offices of Thav, Ryke & Associates are at probate courts in Michigan and ready to help you. At the beginning of each week on Monday morning, our law firm will post a schedule for the week so you can see when attorneys from Michigan Probate Law Firm will be available at the Missaukee Probate Court.
Probate Judge
Honorable Melissa Ransom
Probate Register:
Kelsey O’Dell ext. 208
Juvenile Officer/Referee:
Nicholas Bailey ext. 209 Probate Court
111 South Canal, PO Box 800
Lake City, MI 49651
(231) 839-4967 Ext 208 Phone
(231) 839-5856 Fax
Click to send E-mail
Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30AM – 5:00PM
Functions of The Probate Court:
The Probate Court for Missaukee County is responsible for Guardianships for Minors and Adults, Conservatorships and Protective proceedings for Incapacitated Individuals, Administration of Decedent’s Estates, Administration of Trusts and Involuntary Mental Health Treatment.
Services of The Probate Court:
Name Searches:
Requests for name searches by creditors in decedent’s estates or by genealogical researchers in estates and other matters may be made by phone or e-mail without charge. Requests made by mail must include a self-addressed, stamped envelope. There is a fee if copies of court documents are requested.
The name you are researching and the approximate date of death
(if applicable) is needed before we can conduct a search.
Safekeeping of a Will:
You may deposit your original Last Will & Testament for safekeeping in the court’s vault for a fee of $25.00. This fee covers the storage of your Will for as long as you desire and you may withdraw it any time during your lifetime by appearing in person and showing proper identification.