Are you looking for information about Marquette Probate Court in Michigan?
Every day of the week, probate attorneys from the law offices of Thav, Ryke & Associates are at Michigan area probate courts ready to help you.
If you’re looking for information about Marquette Probate Court in Michigan, we are happy to provide you the following details:
Marquette County Courthouse Annex
234 W. Baraga Ave.
Marquette, MI 49855
(906) 225-8300
Hon. Cheryl L. Hill, Probate Judge
Where to eat near the Marquette County Probate Court: Click here for restaurants close by
Where to park near the Marquette County Probate Court: Click here for parking information
(eff. 11/2/2020 until further notice) The Marquette Court location is now open to the public by appointment only. Please contact the Probate Court at 906-225-8300 for an appointment.
All Marquette County courts are operating with modified dockets. Remote options are being utilized. If you are scheduled for a hearing please contact the court to confirm that your physical appearance is required.
Judge Hill’s docket schedule is available using the following link:
Court proceedings remain open to the public via virtual options
In light of the COVID crisis, the court is asking members of the public wishing to view a hearing to complete this form one business day prior to the scheduled event. Be aware that courts are currently utilizing video/streaming options in lieu of allowing physical attendance.
Probate Court:
Adjudicates and disposes of cases involving property of persons who have died or become incompetent
interprets wills and trusts
commits the mentally ill when necessary
appoints guardians and conservators for minors, incapacitated individuals and individuals with developmental disability
Probate Court Staff
Lynn T. Johnson, MA, LLP, Supervisor (906) 225-8277
Patricia Pynnonen, Probate Register (906) 225-8305
Wendy Luokkala, Administrative Aide, Probate & Juvenile Court (906) 225-8301
Becky Morrison, Clerk and Court Recorder (906) 225-8295
Mariisa Brewer, Clerk and Court Recorder (906) 225-8296